
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mets a Gangsta's Paradise?

We all know the story by now. The New York Mets went ahead and pulled a Baltimore Colts, taking out the dirty laundry in the middle of the night when they fired manager Willie Randolph a few mornings ago. One is to assume GM Omar Minaya did this to shake up the clubhouse and, let's be honest, save his job for the time being. But nobody thought he would replace Randolph with 50 Cent.

In his first game as interim manager of the Mets last night, Jerry Manuel met resistance from shortstop Jose Reyes when he wanted Reyes to leave the game after his left hamstring tightened.
"I told him next time he does that I'm going to get my blade out and cut him. I'm a gangster. You go gangster on me, I'm going to have to get you. You do that again, I'm going to cut you right on the field," quipped Manuel.

Is this guy freaking serious?

Where is the media on this one? Then-Miami Hurricanes TE Kellen Winslow, Jr. says he's a f'n solider and everyone goes crazy. A man in a position of authority says he's a gangster and "going to cut you right on the field" and nobody bats an eye?

Even the author of the article where the quote is originally published doesn't react to it. Besides, wasn't Manuel's rap when he managed the Chicago White Sox that he was too laid back?

It is not that I have a problem with the quote; simply the hypocracy of the media. Has Manuel been dooping us all along? Seeming mild-mannered while he's been spendin' most his life, livin' in a gangsta's paradise?

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